fitness heart health meditation

How Navy Seals Increase Performance 300% to 500% by Getting IN FLOW with this Ancient Breathing Method

So there’s a movie on Netflix called Stop At Nothing: The Lance Armstrong Story… It’s a bit twisted… (actually… it’s really twisted). …and if you like documentaries you gotta check it out. But that’s neither here nor there. See… In the doc Lance Armstrong lists off a bunch of performance enhancing drugs he took to win the Tour De France seven times… FREE VIDEO SERIES CLICK HERE Of course, he eventually got caught and lost it all (as […]

fitness joint pain natural health supplements

Ready to Activate Your Inner Genius?

Today, I’d like to introduce you to something truly extraordinary:   Collagenius! Collagenius is not just a product; it’s a game-changer.  It embodies the perfect harmony of ancient wisdom and cutting-edge science, meticulously crafted to elevate your wellness journey. Let’s dive into what Collagenius has in store for you:  Concentrated Raw Mushroom Power: Each serving of Collagenius is equivalent to a remarkable 1.2 pounds of concentrated raw mushrooms, including Lion’s Mane, Chaga, Cordyceps, and Reishi.  Maximum Brain Power: Experience heightened […]

diabetes fitness heart health joint pain mens health natural health sleep aids supplements

Are Genetic Mutations Making you Sick, and How to Fix Them

I was listening to this guy Gary Brecka the other day on the Joe Rogan podcast, and a lot of the stuff he was saying just started making so much sense to me. Gary is a human biologist who used to be in the business of predicting how long a person had to live. He did this for life insurance companies, and he is a top expert in the field. Gary woke up one day and decided that […]

heart health supplements

Cavemen had Normal Blood Pressure (eat THIS)

Did you know our ancestors enjoyed normal pressure? That’s right.  They chased wild mammoths and lived in caves. But they had healthy hearts and had no strokes. And modern scientists from the University of Virginia just discovered why. It’s all because they had a “signaling molecule”  in their tiny kidney cells that we don’t have. But the good news is — there’s an easy way to restore your kidneys’ “signaling molecule” by using something called ‘Nectar of Gods’. […]

natural health supplements

Most People Don’t Know this about Magnesium

MOST people don’t know this, but if you want to reap the incredible benefits that magnesium can offer, you need more than just the 1-2 forms found in most products. I’m talking about benefits like: ✓ Sleeping WAY better (no more racing thoughts before bed, no more restless legs) ✓ Feeling calm, content, and at peace all day (GOODBYE stress and anxiety) ✓ Healthier blood sugar, blood pressure, and lower inflammation (your doc is going to be SO impressed) ✓ Plus, even enhanced […]