heart health supplements

Cavemen had Normal Blood Pressure (eat THIS)

Did you know our ancestors enjoyed normal pressure? That’s right.  They chased wild mammoths and lived in caves. But they had healthy hearts and had no strokes. And modern scientists from the University of Virginia just discovered why. It’s all because they had a “signaling molecule”  in their tiny kidney cells that we don’t have. But the good news is — there’s an easy way to restore your kidneys’ “signaling molecule” by using something called ‘Nectar of Gods’. […]

diabetes natural health supplements

Can Neuropathy be Reversed without Drugs and Doctors?

I suffered neuropathy for more years than I care to remember. It got worse over time so that, in the end, I had to give up work.Doctors did their best but their understanding of the illness is limited.But everything worked out in the end. I got rid of my neuropathy 3 years ago. Every symptom has gone – I haven’t felt this good for years!. Better yet, it took just a couple of weeks to fully disappear.Now that […]


Ready to Fire Your Boss?

I’m pretty sure “Quitversary” isn’t a real word but for my good friend John Thornhill, it’s definitely a real celebration! That’s because 13 years ago he told his boss to “Take this job and SHOVE it!” John used to have a very mundane, soul-sucking factory job working on the production line at the local Nissan car plant. Then, 13 years ago, he walked out of the factory to go it alone and run his own online business. He’d had […]


Is Your VPN Tracking You? How to Get Truly Private Internet

If you use a VPN service to protect your privacy online, you need to read this. Many VPN companies that claim to protect your privacy are actually keeping logs on their customers’ internet activity. The best way to protect yourself online is to have a WiFi router that has VPN pre-installed, and for even more security, connect your devices to the router using an ethernet cable rather than using the WiFi. That way, neither your ISP(internet service provider), […]

self defense

The Ultimate Body Armor and Concealed Carry System

Picture this… A chilling scene unfolds where you’re held at gunpoint… However there’s an unexpected twist… You stand with confidence because what drapes over you is more than just a jacket… it’s the pinnacle of your everyday protective gear. An ordinary-looking jacket… but beneath its fabric lies extraordinary protection. >>> Check out the jacket that’s changing your safety game here Ever considered the limits of the typical bulletproof vest? Think… hot, cumbersome, unmistakably noticeable, and constantly drawing unwanted […]

natural health supplements

What Exactly is an Antioxidant?

Antioxidants are substances that neutralize OXIDANTS(free radicals). An oxidant, or free-radical, is something that can be considered as an “electron stealer.” Antioxidants have FREE electrons, and so can be considered as electron DONORS. French Scientist Dr. Fathi Moussa studied three groups of mice to determine the effect of Fullerene aka Carbon 60 on the animals. All three groups of mice in addition to normal mouse chow were fed the following: one group got only water, another group got […]

natural health sleep aids supplements

Odd Mutant Fly Research Leads to New Sleep Breakthrough

There are a lot of things you can do to improve your health, like exercise and healthy nutrition. But, in my opinion, the #1 thing that can give you the strongest health benefits is getting high-quality sleep. A single bad night of sleep can destroy your immune system, your ability to burn body fat, your short-term memory, your mood, and increase the risk of heart attacks. Fifteen years ago, there was a groundbreaking sleep discovery, thanks to an […]

male enhancement mens health supplements

Peeing Too Much at Night? Try this Strange Gorilla Secret

If you’re struggling to git it up…If you can’t shake that constant urge to go…Or if you’re experiencing any of the annoying symptoms of having an enlarged prostate…I’ve got news. Scientists may have just discovered…One of the biggest prostate-shrinking breakthroughs of the last 25 years.A 30-second prostate-shrinking hack CLICK HEREIt’s already helping countless men break free of the constant urge to go…Fully empty their bladder…And jump start their Johnson.So they can “you know what” with their better half.This […]

male enhancement mens health

Does Size Matter? Why Women REALLY Cheat

Did you know that a mindblowing 7 in 10 married women cheat at least once? What’s worse, a recent survey found… When women were asked if they’d cheat — but were guaranteed to never be caught… A jaw-dropping sixty-eight percent said YES. Can you imagine? Do you know what this means? It means that if you’re reading this email… There’s a high probability your partner is thinking about jumping someone else’s bones… regardless of faith. So why do […]